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Sample Business Meeting Agenda

Business Meeting of the _______________ Chapter of the ACVP.


I. Call to Order

II. Minutes of previous meeting (read and approve)

III. Treasurer’s report

IV. Committee Reports

V. Old Business

VI. New Business

VII. Announcements

VIII. Adjournment

Model Bylaws for Chapters of the ACVP

The following model bylaws are suitable for use in any chapter within the US. These bylaws may be adopted by any unincorporated state chapter. Changes may be made to fit the particular needs of a chapter or state. The completed bylaws must be approved by the society's Board of Directors.

Any changes in the chapter bylaws after the charter is granted must be presented to the societies Board of Directors for final approval.

The following pages contain model bylaws and may be changed and adjusted to fit the needs of the chapter prior to submission for chartering of the chapter.

Bylaws of ___________________ Chapter of the ACVP

Article I

The organization will be known as the ______________________ chapter of the Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals and shall be chartered by the ACVP.

Article II

In addition to the stated objectives/purposes of the National Society, the purpose of this organization shall be:

1. to serve those needs which are special to the cardiovascular healthcare community and unique to cardiovascular technology.

2. to provide a better opportunity for career development by education of members and others in the practice of cardiovascular technology.

Article III

1. Membership categories shall be the same as the National Society: Member regular, member specialty, Active Member, student membership, corporate membership.

2. All chapter members must be members of the national society.

3. Only active members of the National Society shall hold office in the chapter.

Article IV

1. The government of this chapter shall consist of a governing Board which shall consist of a President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (or secretary treasurer) They shall have the powers and duties usually exercised and held by such officers in associations of this type and such as shall be given them by ACVP and the Board of Directors of this Chapter.

2. Eligibility: Candidates for office must be members in good standing with the National Society.

3. The term of office shall begin (with the annual meeting) or on January 1, of the following year.

4. The officers shall only be eligible for two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

5. The governing Board shall plan, manage and conduct the business and affairs of this chapter.

Article V
Representatives to the ACVP

1. Representatives to the ACVP are a vehicle by which chapters can communicate the needs of their membership to the National Society.

2. Two representatives will be selected by the Chapter President from within the membership of the chapter.

3. Representatives must be members in good standing with the national and local chapter.

4. Representatives and alternate representatives shall be elected for a one-year term and may be reelected for no more then 2 terms.

5. The chapter must submit its annual report and be in good standing for representatives to attend and participate in the membership national meeting.

Article VI

1. The chapter shall hold each calendar year a minimum of one (1) general meeting of all members. One meeting shall be an annual business meeting.

2. The annual business meeting and other membership meetings shall be held at various locations within the boundaries of the chapter or region.

3. Thirty days notice of all meetings shall be provided to members by mail.

4. A quorum shall consist of at least 2 officers and 6 members or 1/3 of the voting members. Provided the members were duly notified of the meeting 30 days in advance, the quorum may act on any business that can be legally come before the chapter.

Article VII

1. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.

2. Dues: There shall be annual dues from members as decided by the governing Board. Dues shall not exceed 60% of the nationally assessed dues for each membership category.

3. All revenues of the chapter shall only be used for the purpose of the chapter and no part of such revenues shall be used for the private benefit of any member.

4. Dissolution of the Chapter: The governing Board shall after paying all liabilities of the society, dispose of all assets by depositing said funds into the National Society Treasury. Alternatively some of the said funds may be donated to a qualified tax- exempt charity.

Article VIII

1. The following standing committees shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board, to serve for a term of 2 years:

a. Education & Program: responsible for handling all educational activities of the chapter.

b. Membership: responsible for maintaining and increasing membership and maintaining accurate member lists.

c. Publicity: responsible for newsletter and other promotional material of the Society.

d. Nominations/Elections: responsible for obtaining a slate of nominees for elective positions within the chapter.

Article IX
Chapter Charter Maintenance

1. The charter is granted for one year. Yearly renewal is accomplished thorough filing of the Chapter Annual Report.

2. Annual Report: Shall include a financial statement, review of the past year and projected programs, a list of officers and representatives for the past or current year, list of members and shall be filed by June 15 of each year.

Article X
Parliamentary Procedure

1. Roberts Rules of Order newly revised shall govern this chapter in all matters to which they are applicable and not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the Bylaws of the National Society.

2. Amendments: Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted to members in writing and voted upon at the annual business meeting. The amendments must be presented to the National Society Board of Directors for final approval.

Date Approved _____________________________

Chapter Secretary ________________________________

ACVP Online Chapter Planning Guide – REVISED 06/2017

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