Take part today in the ACVP Connetwork Program – there is no cost to you as a member of ACVP.


  • Learn from your peers and colleagues.
  • There isn’t a challenge or obstacle someone hasn’t already faced in healthcare today – learn from those who have successfully met what you face.
  • Creatively work with your peers – re-energize and invigorate your approach to work.

Do you need help?  Do you have a question?  As a member of ACVP, you are invited to tap into the resource of the ACVP Connetwork Program.  This Connetwork is provided by members of the Society.  Together, we can provide each other with answers.  Together we can identify best practices.  Together we can make a difference in healthcare!  It is our collective knowledge and expertise that positions us for working successfully in today’s environment.

Answer the questions below to help get your inquiry entered into the Connetwork Program and get your answers to you!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Organization (required)

    Your Telephone (required)

    Specialty involved in area of inquiry (required)

    What is your question or challenge?

    What have you done thus far to overcome your challenge?

    Do you have a budget surrounding this issue?

    What is your time frame for resolution?

    Do you want an on-site consultant to help guide you through your challenge? ACVP can provide you with the names and contacts for consultants used by ACVP members along with reviews of their services.


    Your inquiry will be submitted to ACVP’s Connetwork.  One of our Connexperts will respond to your inquiry directly.  In the event you do not hear from a Connexpert within 2 weeks, please contact Peggy McElgunn at peggymcelgunn@comcast.net for a Connexpert to help you with your inquiry.

    Any responses are those of the Connexperts.  ACVP does not endorse any specific response provided.  This service is a networking service provided to members of ACVP.

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