Cardiovascular Professionals Week 2020 Begins Feb 9!
Cardiovascular Professionals Week 2020 is next week, February 9-15! This year, the theme is Wholehearted Professionals, Wholehearted Care, in an effort to emphasize how the hard work and commitment of non-physician cardiovascular professionals produces excellent patient care—from patient advocacy to innovations impacting quality.
From the direct patient care to the work that goes on behind the scenes to bring new technological innovations, new perspectives, and improved team structures to cardiology: non-physician professionals are the foundation upon which quality care is built.
In recent years, there has been a push to improve the diversity of the cardiovascular workforce, as there have been direct links demonstrated between the diversity of care teams, and the quality of care—and even financial stability—of care-providing institutions. The ethos of teamwork and collaboration that defines cardiovascular work makes it an ideal platform for the improvement of diversity across the spectrum of care delivery.
As the need for, and accessibility of, cardiovascular care is expected to grow in the coming years and decades, the importance of multidisciplinary teams, diverse perspectives, and increased partnership between professionals is only going to become more pronounced. Non-physician cardiovascular professionals are the keystone that will ultimately bring cardiovascular care completely into the 21st century, as healthcare transitions from a “procedural” perspective to a more “programmatic” focus.

The unflappable commitment of cardiovascular teams is absolutely integral to this pursuit, and is a rare example of constancy in a field that is constantly changing. If there’s one thing we know, it’s that cardiovascular professionals care… immensely.
As such, the commitment of all cardiovascular professionals deserves to be met not only with praise and recognition, but also by tangible actions and support. The more cohesively and frequently cardiovascular professionals join their voices in the pursuit of their shared goals and vision, the faster these goals and vision will be realized.
That is one of the reasons that ACVP advocates on behalf of non-physician cardiovascular professionals year-round. Their work doesn’t ever “stop,” so we at ACVP work diligently to ensure that professionals can continue to work to the best of their abilities, delivering the team-based care that impacts innumerable lives each day. If you're a cardiovascular professional, consider joining the Alliance to support our work.
When cardiovascular teams are adequately supported, the strides they make towards the high-quality provision of care permeate throughout their institutions. Cardiovascular professionals set an example, of which all of us could benefit to take note.
Take next week as an opportunity to recognize these hardworking non-physician cardiovascular professionals. And tell us: how is your organization celebrating CVP Week?
I’m so blessed to be part of an organization
ACVP, that fully and legitimately supports our best interest in this highly technical demanding profession.